Here are some travel tips I found most helpful with a little one
1. Ergo backpack for carrying the wee one, with busy streets and buses that have steep steps and stairs all around beautiful Valparaiso this was the one thing we couldn't have gone without!
2. Roll on sunscreen, it looks like a glue stick but is actually sunscreen, so easily stored, and just as wonderful to apply quickly and efficiently. We were diligent with sunscreen so the bambina would not burn, 100% success! Thank-you sunstick.
3. Wet wipes, for sticky fingers, mucked up clothing, a quick wipe down at guests houses, and the dreaded public bathrooms that do not have toilet paper and when you forgot to purchase some on your way to the loo, thank good ness for wet wipes! Yes, in many public washrooms you have to purchase toilet paper!
An amazing outdoor pool and its club house, the details of this building were stunning
Bambina enjoying the pool.
The ergo I speak of, how I love thee. The end to a perfect pool day.